Monday, March 26, 2007

phuket-Kata centre

Kata shopping area has a more "resort feel" as compare to the hustle & bustle of Patong. however shopping was not on our itinery as we didn't had been to thailand countless times and nothing fancy us.

However Fang saw a pair of shorts that she kinda liked. Upon asking, we are quoted 400baht by the Thai-Indian ethnic shopkeeper. We could get the same kind of shorts for about 150baht in Bangkok so we said thanks and walked. But they insisted that we tell them our desired price. We kept walking but they kept pesisting that we give them a price. So we said "100".

They started mocking us saying "100 dollars?" (meaning US$100). Then we said 100baht and they told us to "go away". So bad! Actually I was warned by a friend about these Thais of Indian origin. Unfortunately I still fell into the trap.

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